Additional Reading: Chapters 3, and 4

Let’s think about mapping and Facebook and the lost art of free time.
I’ve posted the following short articles/op-ed pieces which are relevant to the assigned reading. These are required, and are in lieu of longer questions on Chapters 3 and 4.

1. Facebook is Using You.

2. The Death of the Cyberflaneur

3. The Lost Art of Free time

4. Is GPS All in Our Heads?

5. Shop carefully.


Reading Response #5

A couple of links that will relate to our discussion of Chapter 10 tomorrow.


Would you want to Skype with your family after you’re dead?

A little bit about the use of tools and mirror neurons.
Gorillas Wielding Weapons, Macaques & Mirror Neurons

Is Google going to outdo and make our brains irrelevant by creating DeepMind?

There are now apps surfacing that read other people’s emotions for us. This is one of them.

Interesting article of the author Wade Rouch’s opinion on ELIZA, Siri and the possibility of the movie “Her” becoming reality.

Weekly Roundup

More information relating to Paramount Studio’s decision to stop using film. This is a compelling, brief, interview about the power of archiving. How does archiving change when everything is immaterial?

WOW. Please don’t send me hate mail.

Impulsiveness and Media Multitasking. Still, I argue it’s better to do one thing at a time. JUST ONE THING. OKAY? What’s so wrong with sustained concentration?

Are you dating?

Impact of Net Neutrality in Canada.

Angry Birds, now with more things to make you *actually* angry.

A creative approach to coding. She uses THIS software if you are inspired.

More information related to the Internet of Things (re: last week’s post about Google acquiring NEST)

Weekly Roundup

A series of scholarly or popular articles relating to class readings and discussions

Google’s buys NEST.
Article in The Guardian
Don’t know the call came from inside the house reference? Overview | TV/Movie Tropes | The movie (I think the entire thing is on YouTube).

Paramount Studios says, No more film.

On a related note, an exhibition at Ryerson Image Centre (are you in Photo? Join us on Friday’s bus trip) that explores the demise of film-manufacturing facilities and industrial darkrooms.

A recent court you should care about.
And, relating to that case, three things no one
Three dangers of losing net neutrality


A counter argument to the idea that technology is driving us apart.

Pay special attention to this article because we will be reading excerpts from “Alone Together: Why We Expect More From Technology and Less From Each Other” by Sherry Turkle.
TED talk by Sherry Turkle

If you read The Shallows I need your help! If you didn’t read The Shallows, ignore this post.

Hi People!

I’m presenting a paper at the UACC conference. (Academic blah blah blah). I need your help! Part of my paper is about our classes’ experience reading The Shallows and trying to forge habits of sustained concentration in a distracted world.

I know everyone is busy, but it would be great if you could answer the three questions posted below. I’m not using names or any identifying information. Post your responses in the comments or email me at annacox at

1. During our class, most of you modified your internet behavior and saw positive results such as:
• increased concentration
• a creative boost due to new habits (i.e. making work on a schedule, not waiting for when you “felt like it”
• improved reading comprehension

Did you maintain the new habits that promote concentration/deep thinking or did you go back to your old habits? If you did return to your pre-The Shallows habits (no judgement—I struggle every day.) can you tell me why?

2. Are you currently making work? If no, skip this question. If yes, are you trying to limit distractions—for example turning off your phone while you are in the studio? If not, why?

3. What elements/concepts/behaviour modifications of The Shallows did you maintain i.e.–reading paper (versus always reading on-screen), limiting multitasking, not interacting with Facebook/twitter/etc first thing in the morning, paying attention to your internet “loops”, understanding that habits become  behaviour? Anything else?


This semester I’m mostly posting on the Sofamphoto blog.